Easy Oven Cleaning

Easy Oven Cleaning

If your oven needs a deep cleaning we would always suggest you hire a professional oven cleaning company. However, for all the days in between, when it just needs quick spruce up, here are some tips from our oven cleaning company…

1. Make sure it is clean and remove any excess debris

Make sure your oven is completely cold and then take out all your oven trays and racks, and use a cloth to remove the burnt bits of food from the bottom of your oven. This will make it easier to clean. 

2. Use the secret oven cleaner

There’s no need for special products, one of the best things you can clean your oven with is baking soda. Hopefully, you’ll already have some of this in your cupboards! Mix the baking soda and water to make a paste, then spread the paste all over your oven. Leave it to soak overnight then scrub it off in the morning for the perfect finish.

3. Soak racks in the bath

Cleaning oven racks is usually the most fiddly task, but actually, all you need to do is soak them in a bath overnight with some washing liquid, and they’ll be sparkling by morning.

4. Clean the glass

You can clean the glass with the same baking soda and water solution you used when cleaning the inside of your oven. Leave it to soak for half an hour then use a wipe to polish it clean. 

5. Scrape hobs

Glass hobs can quickly become caked in dried food, which isn’t always easy to scrub off. However, if you have a ceramic hob scraper this grit and grime will scrape off quickly.

Oven cleaning isn’t the easiest job, it’s pretty messy too, so if you think you’d rather hire a professional oven cleaning company just get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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